Tom Arma Elephant Costume

Tom Arma is the most published baby photographer in the world. His line of costumes are simply incredible and the elephant costume is one of the most popular in the elephant costume category.

I found a full list of the entire line of the Tom Arma costumes at Halloween Express and the found them for less on Amazon.
Tom Arma Elephant The elephant costume is in my opinion one of the cutest but really, all of them are just too cute!

The Tom Arma Elephant Costume:


  • Character headpiece with front Velcro closure, grey piped face opening, large ears, detailed trunk with pink accent and white soft tusks.
  • Character bodysuit with back snap closure, in grey textured fine fabric, with sewn white toes on the cuffs.
  • Character booties with white padded toes. To keep your booties in picture perfect condition, Tom recommends that booties should be used for indoor use only or on sitting little ones in strollers.

Care instructions:  Machine wash cold, delicate cycle, line dry, do not bleach.  100% Cotton

Sold for home use only. Not for commercial purpose. Costume details may vary from photograph.

Tom Arma Costumes, Inc., a family owned and operated company, maintains excellence in quality by only producing a limited number of costumes each year Worldwide.  Once a style is sold out we cannot reorder more during the Halloween season.  They do sell out quickly, order yours today!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  Insert printed using recycled paper.  Poly Bag is recyclable.

100% of the electricity used to make this Tom Arma costume is offset with 100% Green-e Certified Renewable Energy.

Tom Arma -“the most published baby photographer in the world”…  NY Times

“The Armani of the Kiddy costume world” … Wall Street Journal.

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