Baby Dumbo Elephant Costume-Disney Plush Infant (size 3-12 months)

This Dumbo Elephant Costume for Baby or Infant is made of plush fabric and is a featured Disney elephant costume.

Your baby or infant will look so adorable in this plush Disney elephant costume. The elephant costume is comfortable and soft. The Dumbo ears are not too floppy so baby wont be tugging and pulling on them.

Product Features

  • Costume Comes with thick plush material.
  • Fits most babies from 3-12 months of age
  • Official Disney Licensed Product

Product Details

Shipping Weight: 4 pounds
Disney Plush Infant Baby Dumbo Elephant Costume (size 3-12 months)

This Disney licensed Dumbo costume can be purchased by clicking the link above. The costume purchase is secured via Amazon checkout. This particular baby elephant costume sells out quickly. Currently there are 4 Dumbo Elephant Costumes in stock.

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