Santa Costume For Toddlers and Infants

This Velvet Toddler Santa Costume is so sweet. O.k, so it’s not an elephant, but for Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Clause would be proud.

This Santa Costume for your toddler is a great gift for the family. The pictures of your baby will make for great memories.

This little velvet Santa Suite for your little one is made from polyester.

Toddler Santa Costume Includes:

  • a red velvet romper with front velcro closure

  • faux fur trim

  • faux black buttons

  • attached non-skid soles.

  • A Santa hat is also included to complete this winter wonder.

  • 2-piece set. Polyester. Hand wash.

The non-skid soles will help your little Santa from slipping around to much…

There are several other Santa costumes to select from for your toddler. You can also take a look at the fantastic Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clause costumes. Additionally there are other really cute Christmas costumes to choose from such as elves costumes and little reindeer costumes.

Christmas is a time to rejoice and spread good cheer!

Dressing your toddler in one of these Santa costumes will do just that for everyone that your baby will greet Christmas morning.

Merry Christmas To All!

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