Rainbow Baby Elephant Costume-AKA Noah’s Arc Elephant

The rainbow baby elephant costume, also known as the Noah’s Arc elephant costume for infants is certainly one of the top picks this year for infant, toddler and baby Halloween costumes.

This costume has all the colors of the rainbow in the elephants trunk. The big floppy Dumbo type ears have a cute pink plaid design.  The primary color of the elephant jumpsuit is baby blue and vibrant.

Rainbow Baby Elephant Costume Features:

This costume includes a  blue jumpsuit with velcro down legs for easy diaper changes ,  attached rainbow pastel trunk, elephant foot print at bottom and matching blue plaid lined headpiece with attached floppy elephant ears with pink plaid design, white tusks, and rainbow yarn detailing on ears and tail.

Available Sizes For The Rainbow Elephant:

Current sizes for this baby rainbow jumpsuit are 12-18 months and 6-12 months. They are in stock now and can be shipped quick for Halloween! You can purchase this cuddly costume and get the best rates on shipping right away. Beat the crowd and get it while it’s still in stock:

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