Funny Elephant Costume For Kids

O.k, so I was looking for funny costumes related to my baby elephant costume site and totally cracked up when I found this funny elephant costume for kids. While I am the first to fall in love with the plush elephant costumes, this one had me in stitches. It’s so ugly that it’s cute somehow. I imagined a child knocking on my front door this Halloween dressed in the costume. The elephant head is so over sized and just makes me chuckle. I found this at costume craze..

Funny Elephant Costume The big head elephant costume is available for pre-order.

It’s under the deluxe baby elephant costume category the link above will take you straight to the pre-order page. You will also see the full size picture there but I thought it was so cute that I did my best to get a close up of the elephants head with the kids face so you could see it better. If you are looking for a funny costume for your kids, this elephant is a great idea for one.

Funny Elephant Costume Features:

This deluxe baby Elephant costume includes the elephant costume head with wide ears, a stuffed trunk and red headdress, matching shirt, pants, and the shoe covers. If you get this elephant costume for your kid.. Take a picture and send it to me. I will be featuring pictures right after Halloween.

Deluxe Funny Elephant Costume Size and Cost:

You can pre-order in the size of 18-24 months. The current cost during pre-order is at 44.99 Total bargain for this much costume.


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