Plaid Elephant Costume

The plaid elephant costume for baby’s is a terrific choice when selecting a value priced Halloween costume for your baby this year.

This cute little elephant is one of the best priced costumes I have found. It is the perfect fit for the bargain shopper. It’s not as plush as some of the other baby elephant costumes I have found but just as cute and cuddly as the higher priced ones.

I found this one at costume express.

Baby Elephant Costume in Plaid Your infant will be comfortable and warm in this sweet elephant costume.

I love the big feet on this one. They do not have the non skid surface on them but chances are you will be holding on tight to your elephant baby in this costume! I read the reviews on it and they are pretty cool. One review stated that her baby in this costume won two contests. She also stated that the costume was a bit small but it still worked out fine. The other review I read on the plaid elephant costume was how adorable her son looked in it. This review gave a rating of only three stars due to the fact that the feet were slippery. Over all the costume is awesome.

This Elephant in Plaid is No Longer available. Dang…

Sizes: 1/2 T and 2/4T  Shipping: Same day shipping available and guaranteed. Last check on the pricing was at 24.99 Overall rating is 4 1/2 stars!

Plaid Elephant Costume Features:

This costume includes a plaid jumpsuit with an attached headpiece with elephant ears, tusks and matching booties. 3-piece set. Polyester. Imported. Hand wash.Get Crazy For Elephants and help keep them safe..

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